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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Reporting the topics of diploma theses carried out in the summer semester 2022/2023

Date: 09.12.2022 Category: Student affairs

Dear Students,

In accordance with the Dean's Ordinance ZD-9/2020-2024 describing the procedure for submitting, selecting and approving the topics of diploma theses, I initiate the course of this procedure for the SUMMER 2022/2023 semester . In this Ordinance, the points referring to the DIPLOMA system were repealed, i.e.: p.5-9, p.13-14, p.21.

All activities related to submitting the topics of diploma theses should be performed exclusively in the USOS-APD system.

I have put together a collection of information (including instructional videos) for your carers/promoters that will help you find your way around the new system.

A full description of the USOS-APD is available at in the Implementation -> Instructions tab.

Finally, I would like to reiterate that the DIPLOMY system is no longer used in the diploma process.
Everything in this aspect takes place in the USOS-APD.
Since this will be a novelty for you, I strongly urge you not to leave the matter of submitting topics to the last minute.

Kind regards,

dr hab. Eng. Artur Wiatrowski, prof. University
Vice-Dean for Didactics

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