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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Dissertation editing rules

1. A proposal of the structural layout of the dissertation:
- Title page
- Acknowledgments
- Summary - in accordance with §35 section 5 of the Study Regulations, a thesis written with the Dean's consent in a language other than the study program conducted should contain a summary in a language consistent with the study program
- Table of contents
- List of abbreviations and symbols
- Dissertation contents:
- The aim and scope of the dissertation: justification of the choice of the topic, preceded by a short description of the analysed problem
- The main body of the dissertation divided into chapters and subsections
- Summary/conclusions and final comments referring to the purpose and scope of the dissertation
- Works cited – a numbered list of sources in alphabetical order by authors or in the order pf being cited in the text
- Appendices.
2. The engineering/master’s thesis should be printed on both sides.
3. The template of the title page (the year on the title page is the year the dissertation was written):

the title page of the engineering dissertation

- the title page of the master's dissertation 

title page for editing in LaTeX

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