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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems


Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Field of study: Electronics
Language of study: Polish (1 specialisation in English)
Level of education: second-cycle studies
Form of studies: full-time
Number of semesters: 3
Professional title awarded after graduation: MSc Engineer

Multimedia presentations of specialisations in the field:

Acoustics, Electronic Instrumentation, Signal Processing Systems, Advanced Applied Electronics.

Description of the field of study:

Studies in the field of Electronics provide students with in-depth knowledge and competences in the field of modern electronic and programming systems. Students have the opportunity to develop a creative approach to problem solving and effectively acquire skills in the field of design and practical implementation of electronic and programming circuits. Students also have the opportunity to be involved in teams implementing research and development projects carried out by specialized research and teaching staff. In addition to the competences important in the labour market, these studies successfully introduce enthusiasts to the world of science and constitute a solid basis for the implementation of a doctoral dissertation. Students can choose from four specializations.


Students have the opportunity to specialize in the following four areas: 

Acoustics – education covers physical acoustics, digital sound, loudspeakers, noise and vibrations; it also covers the issues of forecasting in environmental acoustics and preparing acoustic maps. Students are taught in the field of acoustic signal analysis and processing, computer modelling in acoustics, applications of ultrasound in industry and medicine, as well as in the field of bio- and hydroacoustics, acoustic diagnostics and sound engineering. Education here is a continuation of the Acoustic Engineering specialization offered at first-cycle studies. As part of the specialization, students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge by participating in classes organized by the student section of the Audio Engineering Society, Luz Radio and Styk Television.

Electronic Instrumentation – the specialization prepares the graduates to work in R&D teams and research groups which design and implement advanced electronic equipment used in a wide range of industries and science. The interdisciplinary nature of the issues addressed during the studies, among others in the field of the latest achievements in electronic technologies (including microprocessors), signal conditioning and processing, data transmission (including telemetry and telemedicine), mathematical modelling and artificial intelligence techniques, allows the graduates to integrate many competences and skills enabling research and development work at universities and R&D institutions in Poland and abroad, as well as work in the HI-TECH industry, e.g. in the research and development departments of companies producing electronic and optoelectronic equipment or conducting measurement experiments, on such positions as a designer/constructor, architect of electronic systems, team leader, analyst or head of a research and development team.

Signal Processing Systems – the graduate of this specialization is prepared to work in institutions related to the broadly understood digital signal processing and electronics. The graduate can find employment in software development companies producing electronic or information and communication equipment and in industries related to the construction and testing of industrial and scientific electronic equipment using advanced methods of digital signal and image processing.

Advanced Applied Electronics – the graduate has an extensive knowledge in the field of electronics, optoelectronics, high frequency techniques and telecommunications. The study program enables students to expand their theoretical and practical knowledge of advanced: analogue and digital electronic systems, lasers and optical fibres, microwave electronics, as well as applications of programmable digital and microprocessor systems in devices and networks. High-class research laboratories allow ambitious students to participate in currently conducted interdisciplinary research projects. As a result, they can gain basic experience in the field of research and development work and cooperation in a project group. They acquire a solid foundation for further development through work in company research centres or further doctoral studies. By enrolling in courses conducted entirely in English, the student significantly increases their language skills and mobility.

Applications of Computer Engineering in Technology – this specialization has been discontinued from the education cycle starting in the academic year 2021/2022.

Study program:

The current version of the study program is available by clicking the link: plans and study programs.

 Employment perspectives:

- Acoustics:

  • Sound producer and director in radio, television, cinematography, phonography and the entertainment industry.
  • Sound recording director in state and private sound recording studios.
  • Government and industrial laboratories and research institutions working in the field of noise protection of the environment – management, research, construction and consulting positions.
  • Police forensic laboratories as well as analytical and cryptographic laboratories of special forces – positions related to speech and speaker recognition as well as extracting acoustic signals from noise and interference.
  • Universities and research institutes: research, teaching and engineering positions in fields related to acoustics and ultrasound technology.

- Electronic Instrumentation:

  • Designer and programmer of electronic and optoelectronic devices and systems, including intelligent systems.
  • Project manager in implementations of electronic devices and systems.
  • Administrator of computer and measuring systems.
  • Organizer and manager of measurement and computer experiments.
  • Advisor and instructor in the field of consumer, medical and industrial electronics.
  • Graduates will find employment in the largest companies in Lower Silesia: Whirlpool, Siemens, Volvo, LG Display, Diehl Controls, Espotel, Sonel, Radiotechnika Marketing; as well as in nationwide companies: Philips Lighting Poland, Lumel, Motorola Software Center and in small and medium-sized electronic enterprises.

- Signal Processing Systems:

  • Designer/architect and developer of software for digital signal and image processing in companies producing electronic, IT and communication equipment.
  • Designer/architect and programmer of DSP systems on specialist signal processors.
  • Designer/architect and programmer of artificial intelligence systems based on neural network technology.
  • Designer/architect and programmer of biometric systems.
  • Designer of multimedia systems for processing speech, sound and video signals.
  • Graduates are employed and pursue professional careers in IT departments of various sectors of the economy, design and R&D offices of enterprises and companies operating in the field of broadly understood electronics and IT, e.g. Nokia Networks, Volvo, Dolby Poland, IBM, Tieto.

- Advanced Applied Electronics:

  • Industry using and/or producing electronic and optoelectronic devices, lasers, optical fibres, including in transport and telecommunications – management positions at various levels, constructor and advisory positions.
  • Government and industrial laboratories and research institutions working in the field of electronics, optoelectronics, lasers, optical fibres and telecommunication – management, research, construction and consulting positions.
  • Universities – scientific, didactic and engineering positions in the fields of electronics, electrical engineering and optoelectronics.

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