The submission of this report is obligatory for each diploma dissertation carried out in a given semester by students of the faculty.
The submission of the report is a condition for the consideration of possible later requests of a diploma candidate regarding the correction of the topic or extension of the diploma dissertation deadline.
The report consists of three parts, each of which must be completed; the completion process is initiated by the student:
1. Data in the heading – completed by the student, with the student’s data,
2. The student’s report on the progress in the carrying out of the diploma dissertation – completed by the diploma candidate – provides information about the already completed tasks,
3. The supervisor’s opinion on the progress in the carrying out of the student’s diploma dissertation – completed by the supervisor – refers to the student’s report, confirming or negating the scope of tasks indicated by the student.
The supervisor must provide an estimated degree of the diploma dissertation advancement (as a percentage).
In the report, the supervisor must name the appointed reviewer.
Form available for download: report on the progress of the diploma dissertation (English version)
Note: In justified cases resulting from random or healthy events during the carrying out of the diploma dissertation, the student may apply in writing to the Dean for an extension of the deadline for submitting the diploma dissertation (English version), before the deadline for submitting the thesis to APD indicated in the graduation schedule.