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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

About the program

The Erasmus+ program is an international program of the European Union, supporting the exchange of students and lecturers between participating universities.
The program is administrated within the University by the Center for International Relations.
The Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems recruits students for the program as part of cooperation with European universities.
The recruitment for internships and exchange trips to universities outside the EU is carried out directly by the Center for International Relations.
All students going on an exchange trip as part of their studies are subject to uniform procedures which regulate the preparation for the trip and the recognition of their achievements after returning from the exchange trip. More information about the program along with the financing procedures and recruitment regulations can be found on the following websites:
- the Center for International Relations at Wrocław University of Science and Technology in the Students/Erasmus+ tab
- on the official website of the Erasmus+ program
The recruitment rules binding at WUST can be found here:

The following is the list of universities which signed bilateral Erasmus+ agreements with the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems:
• Technische Universität Dresden
• Universidad Pontificia Comillas
• University of Franche-Comte
• University of Southern Denmark
• University of Strasbourg
• University of Oulu
• Slovenská Technická Univerzita v Bratislave
• University of Pavia
• University Politecnica de Madrid
The list of universities is updated on an ongoing basis and can be found on the website of the Center for International Relations.

University-wide agreements available to all WUST students:
- Ecole Centrale Marseille
- Politecnico di Torino
- Pohjois-Karjalan Ammattikorkeakoulu

Program administration (recruitment, documents)
Marta Liszkowska, MA
tel. +48 71 340 79 38
Faculty coordinator of the Erasmus+ program
Dr. Eng. Agnieszka Wielgus,

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025