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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Transfer and recognition of subjects

Transfer and recognition of subjects
(inclusion of a course or courses in student achievement) at the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems
 in the academic year 2024/2025

In accordance with the Regulations of Studies at the Wrocław University of Technology §15, paragraph 2: Previous academic achievements are recognised in particular when changing the faculty, field, profile or form of study, as well as upon admission to degree programmes in formats referred to in § 30 sec. 1 and § 32 and upon the resumption of studies (§ 34).

1. The student downloads the Application for recognition of subject as part of the academic achievements.

2. The form should be filled in and sent in .XLS format (Excel) to the e-mail address of the dean's office employee in accordance with the assigned field of study Please write “Uznanie dorobku/Achievement recognition” in the e-mail title and attach all required files.

a) scan of a report from the student course record + syllabi (course cards) – in the case of students applying for the recognition of achievements from other university/faculty,
Note! Contact the dean's office to learn how to submit the syllabus.
b) in the case of students from the W12 or W12N faculty no attachments are required.

3. After the documents are subjected to preliminary verification, you will be sent a confirmation from the dean's office, with a .pdf attachment.

4. Log on to

5. Click the “For students” -> „My studies” -> „Applications” -> „File a new application.” A list of available applications will be shown.

6. Select the “Application for recognition of subject as part of the academic achievements” and proceed to the “Fill in” option.

7. The application should be filled in according to the provided “information,” and in this case the ATTACHMENT is the file approved by the dean's office (.pdf).

8. The USOS application should be printed, signed and delivered to the Dean's Office in accordance with the Application deadlines for a given semester.

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