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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems


1. The recruitment under the Erasmus program is organized once a year and applies to all trips planned for the next academic year. It is organized jointly by the Center for International Relations and by the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems.
2. The recruitment procedure starts with a university-wide information meeting held to provide information on the qualification procedure and the recruitment calendar. The meeting is organized at the end of the winter semester. The exact date of the meeting is announced on the website of Center for International Relations. The announcement also appears in the Faculty News.
3. Then, a Faculty meeting is organised with students applying for the trip under the exchange program. The date and place of the meeting are announced at the university-wide meeting.
4. Current lists of Erasmus+ scholarships are published by the Center for International Relations. When choosing a university, the student should pay special attention to the following information:
- is the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (W12N) mentioned on the university list as a party in the agreement? The recruitment at the Faculty is carried out only for universities which our Faculty has signed agreements with. If the chosen place is available at another faculty, your application will not be considered. After the Faculty recruitment sessions are finished, it is possible to apply for any remaining free places belonging to other faculties (with a similar study profile). In such case, you should recruit at the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems by joining the reserve list. After the reserve list is closed, you should contact the Erasmus coordinator at the other faculty. The coordinator may agree to offer the free place (if it is not contrary to the agreement with the partner university).
- does the host university offer courses in English at the relevant study cycle? Students of engineering studies cannot be qualified for the exchange program, if the partner university expects second-cycle students.
- is the field of study provided in the contract consistent with the candidate's study program? In general, the contract determines the faculties which the student will be able to choose subjects from. Partner universities allow you to choose courses from other faculties only to a limited extent.
- does the offer of courses in the exchange semester correspond to your field of study? It is worth checking whether the foreign university offers courses in your field of study, so that you are able to complete the study program at Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Qualification procedure
The qualification procedure follows the currently binding university Student Recruitment Rules (published on the website of the Center for International Relations) and the supplements adopted by the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems and published on this website.
The Erasmus+ program is available to students of engineering, master's and doctoral studies who, at the time of the exchange trip:
- have completed at least the first year of study (without uncredited courses, deficit of credit points, or cases before the disciplinary committee),

- must be active students during the period abroad (cannot be a graduate, on dean's leave, professional leave, etc.),

- have obtained an average of grades above 4 (from all semesters preceding the exchange application), in the case of a lower average, the decision is made by the Dean, but students with an average grade significantly below 4 will not be qualified even if there are no candidates with a higher average,

- are active participants in scientific clubs, student associations; in the case of some scholarships, prior involvement in certain teaching and research tasks (e.g. within scientific clubs) is required. In this case, candidates receive additional qualifying points. The total number of additional points cannot exceed 3,

- at the time of qualification, the student must have completed at least 1 semester of engineering studies. Due to the shorter 7th semester of engineering studies, the Faculty does not issue permits for trips in this semester.

3rd year students can apply for a trip in the 1st semester of their master's studies – they will be qualified conditionally (placed on the reserve lists). They will be transferred to the primary list after they are admitted to second-cycle studies at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. When planning a trip in this period, the student should take into account that the trip will be possible only in March (after matriculation) – it may be inconsistent with the academic calendar of the host university. The Faculty does not issue permits for trips in the last semester of master's studies and does not issue permits for extending the stay covering the last semester of master's studies.

- according to the schedule, an application must be submitted (in room 1, building C-5). The application form is available here. The application must be submitted together with a copy of the document allowing exemption from the language exam (the original document must be available for verification),

- the program Coordinator sends students to a language exam conducted by the Department of Foreign Languages or exempts them from the exam on the basis of a certificate; the list of certificates confirming language proficiency and recognized in the recruitment process can be found on the website of the Department of Foreign Languages; the student must know the foreign language at a minimum level of B2.2 or B2E,

- students who successfully took a language exam in previous years (a maximum of 2 years before the recruitment) are exempted from the language exam,

- it is possible to correct qualification applications after the language exam results are announced. In particular, the student can then change the preferred university,

- knowledge of a foreign language – an exam grade. In the case of an exemption based on a C1 level certificate or higher – 5 points. In the case of an exemption based on a B2 certificate – the grade from the certificate. In the case of an exemption based on the grade from the B2.2 course – the final grade from the course. Grades from language courses completed outside the University, regardless of the level of advancement, are not taken into consideration. Students who have not passed the exam (or are not exempted from it) are deleted from the list of candidates,

- the Faculty's selection committee announces the primary and reserve lists of students qualified for exchange at individual universities. The student qualifies independently for each university, in accordance with the preferences given in the application (the first choice university and two additional universities should be indicated),

- candidates have the right to appeal from the decision of the committee to the Dean of the Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems,

- after qualifying, the student proceeds to prepare the trip documents. The preparations must follow the procedure described on the website of the Center for International Relations. The Faculty and university-wide procedures must be followed (the procedures are complementary and not mutually exclusive),

- the final decision on the qualification for the exchange program is made by the host university after the application is submitted.

- the recruitment applications and the application for permission to study abroad are accepted at the Dean's Office of the Faculty
- all information on the organization of the exchange trip (prior to the trip, extending the trip period, after return, etc.) is available here.

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