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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Registration - Department of Foreign Languages - information for students

Date: 21.02.2024 Category: Student affairs

Dear Students,

Due to the upcoming language enrollment for the summer semester 2023/2024, we would like to kindly inform you that all the necessary information regarding enrollment and implementation of the language courses can be found on the SJO website. We invite you to take a look at the information on our site before the enrollment for the language courses. We also ask you to carefully read the Enrollment Regulations (USOS - Enrollment).

If you have any questions or concerns about the curricular and the implementation of individual lessons, please contact the SJO Management:
- English: Head of the English Language Section - Ms. Dorota Pytel (
- German language: Head of the German Language Section - Ms. Beata Brocka (
- French, Spanish, Japanese and Russian: Head of the Romance and Slavic Languages Section - Ms. Ewa Dmowska (
- Polish language: Head of the Polish and English Language Center for Foreigners - Ms. Anna Dudek-Kajewska (

If you have any questions or concerns about enrollment, please contact Ms. Katarzyna Dryjańska (Assistant Director for Didactics) -

Regarding the issue of passing the course on the basis of the language certificate obtained, please refer to the rules of grade recognition and the current list of certificates on our website . For additional questions, please contact directly Ms. Izabela Koszutska (Certificate Recognition and Certificate Course Coordinator) -

In addition, at the time of enrollment, we invite students to consultations with Ms. Agnieszka Florczyk, Deputy Director of SJO for Stationary Education and Staff Development (MS Teams - February 26, 2024 at 12:00).

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