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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Open lectures by prof. Chengkuo Lee from the National University of Singapore

Date: 21.04.2022 Category: Student affairs

We invite you to a series of open lectures that will be given by prof. Chengkuo by Vincent Lee from the National University of Singapore (the best university in Asia, 11th place in the QS World University Ranking) as part of the NAWA project "Academic partnerships of Wrocław University of Science and Technology".

Professor Lee ( is an outstanding scientist, leader of an interdisciplinary research group dealing with the broadly understood sensor technique, micro- and nanosystems.

Remote lecture topics and dates are:

April 28 (Thursday)

7.30 - 8.15 Advances in MEMS Technology - NEMS Si Nanowires Pressure Sensors; Nanophotonics Sensors and Implantable MEMS

8.15 - 9.00 Energy Harvesting Technology and Self-sustained IoT Sensor Nodes

May 5 (Thursday)

7.30 - 8.15 Wearable Sensors and Applications

8.15 - 9.00 Smart Home Applications and AIoT Technology

The zoom link to the lectures is:

Join a Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 955 6234 7358
Access code: 354717

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