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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Information for new second-cycle programmes students

Date: 14.02.2023 Category: Student affairs

Dear Students,
Congratulations on your admission to study at our Faculty!

We would like to kindly inform you that as part of your studies after February 16, you will be assigned a student ID number ( for graduates of WUST, the number remains the same), which will be your main identification number during your studies. You can find it in the IRK system in the Personal forms in the Education tab ( in the field Student number. The number is in the form of six digits.

If you already know (acknowledged) your student ID number, below are next steps:
1. Activate your student email box. The email address is in the form:
Detailed information on how to activate the student mailbox can be found at In case of problems, send a ticket to

2. In order to log in to the information systems, it is necessary to know your unique login for the account_AD to the information systems and set an individual password for access. Having an active student mailbox, you can proceed to activate your individual account_AD. Instructions on how to do this can be found at In case of problems, please send a ticket to

3.Having a login and password set in the previous step allows you to log into the USOS system at

4. All candidates admitted from outside the Wroclaw University of Technology, please apply for an ID card and pay the fee for the Electronic Student ID card in the amount of PLN 22 to the individual student account available in the USOS system.
First degree graduates of Wrocław University of Technology who take up second degree studies at the University in the semester immediately following the semester of completion of their first degree studies, or students studying simultaneously on first and second degree studies (in different fields of study) may use their existing ELS - do not pay the fee for the Electronic Student Card - they retain the right to use the ELS card from the first degree studies at Wrocław University of Technology. You should submit to the dean's office a completed student statement regarding the place where you received the ELS.

5. All information on social matters for students can be found at:

6. Other information on IT services made available to students and other information on studying will be provided on an ongoing basis through the USOS system and student mail.

Please also visit the Faculty website:

Good luck on your second degree studies!

Dean's Office
Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025