Prof. Marek Kurzyński, DSc, PhD, Eng
Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Field Theory, Electronic Circuits and Optoelectronics
ul. Z. Janiszewskiego 11/17, 50-372 Wrocław
building C-3, room 110
phone +48 71 320 3792
Office hours
- Monday 9.00-11.00
- Tuesday 8.00-9.00 i 13.00-14.00
Research fields
- Pattern recognition; artificial intelligence; medical informatics.
Recent papers
- Trajdos P., Kurzyński M., A correction method of a binary classifier applied to multi-label pairwise model, International Journal of Neural Systems (2018) (IF=6.333)
- Trajdos P., Kurzyński M., An approximated decision-theoretic algorithm for minimization of the Tversky loss under the multi-label framework / Paweł Trajdos, Marek Kurzyński. Pattern Analysis and Applications. 2017, s. 1-28 (IF=1.352)
- Kurzyński M., Jaskólska A., Marusiak J., Wołczowski A., Bierut P., Szumowski Ł., Witkowski J., Kisiel-Sajewicz K., Computer-aided training sensorimotor cortex functions in humans before the upper limb transplantation using virtual reality and sensory feedback. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2017, vol. 87, s. 311-321 (IF=1.836)
- Kurzyński M., Majak M., Żołnierek A., Multiclassifier systems applied to the computer-aided sequential medical diagnosis. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. 2016, vol. 36, nr 4, s. 619-625 (IF=1,031)
- Trajdos P., Kurzyński M., A dynamic model of classifier competence based on the local fuzzy confusion matrix and the random reference classifier. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 2016, vol. 26, nr 1, s. 175-189 (IF=1,420)
- Kurzyński M., Krysmann M., Trajdos P., Wołczowski A., Multiclassifier system with hybrid learning applied to control of bioprosthetic hand. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2016, vol. 69, s. 286-297 (IF=1.836)
- Łysiak R., Kurzyński M., Wołoszyński T., Optimal selection of ensemble classifiers using measures of competence and diversity of base classifiers. Neurocomputing. 2014, vol. 126, s. 29-35 (IF=2.083)
- Wołoszyński T., Podsiadło P., Stachowiak G., Kurzyński M., A dissimilarity-based multiple classifier system for trabecular bone texture in detection and prediction of progression of knee osteoarthritis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2012, s. 887-894 (IF=1.419)
- Wołoszyński T., Podsiadło P., Stachowiak G., Kurzyński M., Lohmander L., Englund M., Prediction of progression of radiographic knee osteoarthritis using tibial trabecular bone texture. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 2012, vol. 64, nr 3, s. 688-695 (IF=7.477)
- Wołoszyński T., Kurzyński M., Podsiadło P., Stachowiak G., A measure of competence based on random classification for dynamic ensemble selection. Information Fusion. 2012, vol. 13, nr 3, s. 207-213 (IF=2.262)
- Wołoszyński T., Kurzyński M., A probabilistic model of classifier competence for dynamic ensemble selection. Pattern Recognition. 2011, vol. 44, nr 10/11, s. 2656-2668 (IF=4.582)
Selected publications | |||||
1 | Proceeding paper 2024
Paweł Trajdos, Marek Kurzyński,
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2 | Article 2024
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3 | Proceeding paper 2023
Paweł Trajdos, Marek Kurzyński,
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4 | Article 2022
Joanna Mencel, Jarosław Marusiak, Anna Jaskólska, Łukasz Kamiński, Marek Kurzyński, Andrzej Wołczowski, Artur Jaskólski, Katarzyna Kisiel-Sajewicz,
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5 | Monograph chapter 2022
Michał Błędowski, Andrzej Wołczowski, Marek Kurzyński, Paweł Trajdos, Jerzy Witkowski,
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6 | Proceeding paper 2022
Paweł Trajdos, Marek Kurzyński,
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7 | Proceedings papers editing 2022
Michał Choraś, Ryszard S Choraś, Marek Kurzyński, Paweł Trajdos, Jerzy Pejaś, Tomasz Hyla,
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8 | Proceeding paper 2021
Paweł Trajdos, Marek Kurzyński,
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9 | Article 2021
Joanna Mencel, Anna Jaskólska, Jarosław Marusiak, Łukasz Kamiński, Marek Kurzyński, Andrzej Wołczowski, Artur Jaskólski, Katarzyna Kisiel-Sajewicz,
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10 | Proceeding paper 2020
Paweł Trajdos, Marek Kurzyński,