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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Krzysztof Stojek, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Microsystems

ul. Długa 61-65, 53-633 Wrocław
building M-6, room 41
phone +48 71 320 4976

Selected publications
Laura Jasińska, Krzysztof Dzbik, Damian Nowak, Krzysztof Stojek, Aleksandra Chudzyńska, Kamil Politański, Karol Malecha,
Technological challenges in manufacturing of vacuum gauge thermionic cathode using thick-film technology. Materials Science-Poland. 2024, vol. 42, nr 1, s. 126-139. ISSN: 2083-1331; 2083-134X
Resources:DOIURLSFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Krzysztof Stojek, Damian Nowak, Karol Malecha, Szymon Kaczmarek, Patryk T Andrzejak,
Thermal and mechanical analysis of low-temperature and low-pressure silver-based sintered thermal joints. Soldering & Surface Mount Technology. 2022, vol. 35, nr 1, s. 9-17. ISSN: 0954-0911; 1758-6836
Resources:DOIURLSFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal List
Krzysztof Stojek, Johann Nicolics, Dominik Wołczyński,
Impact of convection on thermographic analysis of silver based thermal joints. Soldering & Surface Mount Technology. 2020, vol. 32, nr 4, s. 241-246. ISSN: 0954-0911; 1758-6836
Resources:DOIURLSFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Proceeding paper
Krzysztof Stojek, Przemysław Matkowski, Damian Nowak, Mateusz Kanus, Andrzej Mościcki,
Metalization impact on heat transfer through sintered nanosilver based thermal joints. W: 2019 22nd European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition (EMPC), 16-19 September 2019, Pisa, Italy : technical papers. [Piscataway : IEEE, cop. 2019]. s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-7281-6291-1; 978-0-9568086-6-0
Meeting abstract
Krzysztof Stojek, Johann Nicolics, Waldemar Klausek,
Different approach of thermal analysis for thermal joints made by low-temperature and low-pressure sintered silver for non-metalized semiconductors. W: 13th Conference „Electron Technology” ELTE ; 43rd International Microelectronics and Packaging IMAPS Poland Conference, 4-6 September 2019, Wrocław, Poland : technical digest / Eds. Rafał Walczak, Karol Malecha. [B.m.] : International Microelectronics and Packaging Society Poland Chapter, [2019]. s. 1-2. ISBN: 978-83-932464-3-4
Proceeding paper
Krzysztof Stojek, Danylo Lizanets, Milena Kiliszkiewicz, Kamil Gorzka,
Defects investigation in low-temperature and low-pressure sintered silver thermal joints for non-metalized semiconductors. W: 42nd International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE) 2019 : 15-19 May 2019, Wroclaw, Poland. [B.m.] : IEEE, cop. 2019. s. 1-6. ISBN: 978-1-7281-1874-1
Meeting abstract
Krzysztof Stojek, Danylo Lizanets, Milena Kiliszkiewicz, Kamil Gorzka,
Defects investigation in low-temperature and low-pressure sintered silver thermal joints for non-metalized semiconductors. W: ISSE 2019 : 42nd International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology : ”Advances in Printed and Ceramic Microsystems”, May 15-19, 2019, Wrocław, Poland : Extended Abstracts / eds. Karol Malecha [i in.]. Wrocław : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2019. s. 161-162. ISBN: 978-83-7493-070-3
Proceeding paper
Krzysztof Stojek, Damian Nowak, Andrzej Mościcki, Agata Surmiak,
Heat transfer efficiency measurements with using thermography for low-temperature and low-pressure sintered silver joints. W: 2018 7th Electronic System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC) : September 18-21, 2018, Dresden, Germany. Danvers, MA : IEEE, cop. 2018. s. 1-6. ISBN: 978-1-5386-6814-6; 978-1-5386-6813-9
Resources:DOIURLWeb of Science CC
Proceeding paper
Krzysztof Stojek, Milena Kiliszkiewicz, Andrzej Mościcki,
The materials and technology parameters influenced on the mechanical properties of low temperature sintered silver joints. W: 21st European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference (EMPC) & Exhibition, EMPC 2017, Poland, September 10th to 13th 2017 : proceedings / eds. Andrzej Dziedzic, Piotr Jasiński. Piscataway : IEEE, cop. 2018. s. 1-6. ISBN: 978-1-5386-2309-1; 978-0-9568086-4-6
Proceeding paper
Krzysztof Stojek, Andrzej Mościcki,
Different aspects of non-metalized silicon dies joining with using low temperature and low pressure sintered silver nanoparticles. W: ISSE 2017 : 40th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology : 10-14 May 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria / [Dresden University of Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Technical University of Sofia. B.m. : IEEE, 2017]. s. 1-6. ISBN: 978-1-5386-0582-0; 978-1-5386-0583-7
Resources:DOIWeb of Science CC

All publications

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