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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Krzysztof Arent, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Cybernetics and Robotics

ul. Z. Janiszewskiego 11/17, 50-372 Wrocław
building C-3, room 106
tel. 71 320 2726

Office hours

  • Monday 16.00-18.00
  • Tuesday 17.15-19.15

Research fields

  • Control theory; robot modelling and identification; robot control systems; social robotics; medical robots; human-robot interactions.

Recent papers


  • Arent K., Cholewiński M., Chojnacki Ł., Domski W.G., Drwięga M., Jakubiak J., Janiak M., Kreczmer B., Kurnicki A., Stańczyk B., Szczęśniak-Stańczyk D., Selected topics in design and application of a robot for remote medical examination with use of ultrasonography and auscultation from the perspective of the ReMeDi project. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems. 2017, vol. 11, nr 2, s. 82-94.
  • Arent K., Gakis M., Sobecki J., Szczepanowski R., Toward emotion recognition embodied in social robots: implementation of Laban movement analysis into NAO robot. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems. 2017, vol. 11, nr 4, s. 3-6.


  • Arent K., Jakubiak J., Drwięga M., Cholewiński M., Stollnberger G., Giuliani M., Tscheligi M., Szczęśniak-Stańczyk D., Janowski M., Brzozowski W., Wysokinski A., Control of mobile robot for remote medical examination: Design concepts and users' feedback from experimental studies. W: 9th International Conference on Human System Interactions, HSI 2016: proceedings. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, cop. 2016. s. 76-82.
  • Stollnberger G., Giuliani M., Mirnig N., Tscheligi M., Arent K., Kreczmer B., Grzeszczak F., Szcześniak-Stańczyk D., Zarczuk R., Wysokinski A., Designing user interfaces for different user groups: a three-way teleconference system for doctors, patients and assistants using a remote medical robot. W: 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), August 26-31, 2016, Columbia University, NY, USA. [B.m.: IEEE, cop. 2016]. s. 612-617.


  • Arent K., Domski W.G., Cholewiński M., Deployment of model based robotic control algorithms, designed using Matlab/Simulink, in the form of OROCOS components operating under Linux Xenomai. W: MMAR 2015: 20th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation & Robotics [Dokument elektroniczny]: 24-27 August, 2015, Międzyzdroje, Poland. Danvers, MA: IEEE, cop. 2015. s. 632-637.
  • Kreczmer B., Grzeszczak F., Szcześniak-Stańczyk D., Arent K., Stańczyk B., Video Conferencing Applications for ReMeDi Robotic System. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics. 2015, vol. 5, nr 8, s. 1622-1630.
  • Tchoń K., Zadarnowska K., Juszkiewicz Ł.K., Arent K., Modeling and control of a skid-steering mobile platform with coupled side wheels. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences. 2015, vol. 63, nr 3, s. 807-818.


  • Cholewiński M., Arent K., Mazur A., Towards practical implementation of an artificial force method for control of the mobile platform Rex. W: Recent advances in automation, robotics and measuring techniques / Roman Szewczyk, Cezary Zieliński, Małgorzata Kaliczyńska (eds.). Cham [i in.]: Springer, cop. 2014. s. 353-363 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISSN 2194-5357; vol. 267).

Papers in DONA database

Selected publications
Krzysztof Arent, Adam Kurnicki, Piotr Portasiak, Bartłomiej Stańczyk,
Kinematic calibration of a lightweight manipulator for medical applications. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences. 2024, vol. 72, nr 6, art. 151381, s. 1-13. ISSN: 0239-7528; 2300-1917
Resources:DOISFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Remigiusz Szczepanowski, Tomasz Niemiec, Ewelina Cichoń, Krzysztof Arent, Marcin Florkowski, Janusz Sobecki,
Factor analysis of the Polish version of Godspeed Questionnaire (GQS). Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems. 2022, vol. 16, nr 2, s. 30-35. ISSN: 1897-8649; 2080-2145
Resources:DOIURLSFXMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Krzysztof Arent, David J Brown, Joanna Kruk-Lasocka, Tomasz Lukasz Niemiec, Aleksandra H Pasieczna-Dixit, Penny J Standen, Remigiusz Szczepanowski,
The use of social robots in the diagnosis of autism in preschool children. Applied Sciences. 2022, vol. 12, nr 17, art. 8399, s. 1-16. ISSN: 2076-3417
Resources:DOIURLSFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Monograph chapter
Bogdan Kreczmer, Krzysztof Arent, Janusz Jakubiak,
System sensoryczny wielomodalnej percepcji otoczenia - koncepcja i analiza przypadków użycia = Sensory system of multimodal perception of the environment - concept and analysis of use cases. W: Postępy robotyki. T. 2 / pod red. Alicji Mazur i Cezarego Zielińskiego. Warszawa : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2022. s. 63-76. ISBN: 978-83-8156-410-6
Proceeding paper
Krzysztof Arent, Janusz Sobecki,
Remarks on the use of an eye tracker as a sensor of a human gaze in a social robot. W: Proceedings of the 35th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) : 1-2 April 2020, Seville, Spain / ed. Khalid S. Soliman. [King of Prussia, PA] : International Business Information Management Association, cop. 2020. s. 4596-4603. ISBN: 978-0-9998551-4-0
Remigiusz Szczepanowski, Ewelina Cichoń, Krzysztof Arent, Janusz Sobecki, Piotr Styrkowiec, Marcin Florkowski, Małgorzata Gakis,
Education biases perception of social robots. European Review of Applied Psychology. 2020, vol. 70, nr 2, art. 100521, s. 1-16. ISSN: 1162-9088; 1878-3457
Resources:DOISFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Proceeding paper
Krzysztof Arent, Joanna Kruk-Lasocka, Tomasz Niemiec, Remigiusz Szczepanowski,
Social robot in diagnosis of autism among preschool children. W: MMAR 2019 : 24th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics : August 26-29, 2019, Międzyzdroje, Poland. Danvers, MA : IEEE, cop. 2019. s. 652-656. ISBN: 978-1-7281-0933-6
Monograph chapter
Krzysztof Arent, Mateusz Szulc,
Stanowisko eksperymentalne typu wahadło na wózku: konstrukcja, modelowanie, identyfikacja, sterowanie oparte na modelu, wdrożenie = Experimental stand with a pendulum on a cart: construction, modelling, identyfication, model based control and deployment. W: Postępy robotyki / pod red. Krzysztofa Tchonia i Cezarego Zielińskiego. Warszawa : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2018. s. 365-376. ISBN: 978-83-7814-799-2
Proceeding paper
Krzysztof Arent, Michał Prędkiewicz, Daniel Panachida, Wojciech Domski, Adam Klama,
Construction, modelling and identification of an experimental and educational 2DOF manipulator for investigation of model based control algorithms. W: MMAR 2018 : 23rd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics : August 27 - 30, 2018, Międzyzdroje, Poland. Danvers, MA : IEEE, cop. 2018. s. 920-925. ISBN: 978-1-5386-4324-2; 978-1-5386-4325-9
Resources:DOIWeb of Science CC
Monograph chapter
Remigiusz Szczepanowski, Małgorzata Gakis, Krzysztof Arent, Janusz Sobecki,
Computational models of consciousness-emotion interactions in social robotics: conceptual framework. W: Cognitive and computational neuroscience : principles, algorithms and applications / ed. by Seyyed Abed Hosseini. [London : IntechOpen], 2018. s. 79-94. ISBN: 978-1-78923-188-5
Resources:DOIOpen Access

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