Katarzyna Mroczkowska, PhD
E-mail: katarzyna.mroczkowska@pwr.edu.pl
Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Field Theory, Electronic Circuits and Optoelectronics
ul. Janiszewskiego 11/17, 50-372,
building C-4, room 138
phone +48 71 320 4698
Office hours
- Monday 7.30-9.30
Research fields
laser modification of materials, laser microprocessing, laser-induced coatings increasing the corrosion resistance of steel, corrosion resistance, laser color marking, properties of oxide layers.
Recent papers
- Mroczkowska K. et al., The Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum Alloy Modified by Laser Radiation. Coatings. 2019, vol. 9 nr 10, 672, s.1-10.
- Łęcka (Mroczkowska) K. et al., Adhesion and corrosion resistance of laser-oxidized titanium in potential biomedical application. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2019, vol. 366, s. 179-189.
- Łęcka (Mroczkowska) K. et al., Wear resistance of laser-induced annealing of AISI 316 (EN 1.4401) stainless steel. Laser Physics. 2018, vol. 28, nr 9, s. 1-8.
- Łęcka (Mroczkowska) K. et al., Laser-induced color marking of titanium: a modeling study of the interference effect and the impact of protective coating. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2017, vol. 2017, art. ID 3425108, s. 1-11.
- Łęcka (Mroczkowska) K. et al., Effects of laser-induced oxidation on the corrosion resistance of AISI 304 stainless steel. Journal of Laser Applications. 2016, vol. 28, nr 3, s. 1-9.