Prof. Ignacy Dulęba, DSc, PhD, Eng
Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Cybernetics and Robotics
ul. Z. Janiszewskiego 11/17, 50-372 Wrocław
building C-3, room 210
phone +48 71 320 4355
Research fields
- Theoretical robotics: modeling, motion planning, control, applications of optimization techniques in robotics.
Recent papers
- Dulęba I., Karcz-Dulęba I., Suboptimal approximations in repeatable inverse kinematics for robot manipulators. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences. 2017, vol. 65, nr 2, s. 209-217.
- Dulęba I., Opałka M., Motion planning of strongly controllable stratified systems. Robotica. 2016, vol. 34, nr 10, s. 2223-2240.
- Dulęba I., Opałka M., A comparison of Jacobian-based methods of inverse kinematics for serial robot manipulators. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 2013, vol. 23, nr 2, s. 373-382.
- Dulęba I., Kheffifi W., Karcz-Dulęba I., Layer, Lie algebraic method of motion planning for nonholonomic systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 2012, vol. 349, nr 1, s. 201-215.
- Dulęba I., Discriminant functions for isotropic configurations in robot manipulators. Robotica. 2012, vol. 30, nr 2, s. 221-227.
Papers in DONA database
Selected publications |
1 | Article 2023
Ignacy Dulęba, Singularity-robust inverse kinematics for serial manipulators. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems. 2023, vol. 17, nr 3, s. 38-45. ISSN: 1897-8649; 2080-2145 | Resources:DOIURLSFX |   |
2 | Article 2023
3 | Article 2023
Ignacy Dulęba, Iwona Karcz-Dulęba, Many faces of singularities in robotics = Różne oblicza osobliwości w robotyce. Pomiary, Automatyka, Robotyka. 2023, R. 27, nr 1, s. 19-26. ISSN: 1427-9126; 2392-1277 | Resources:DOIURL |   |
4 | Monograph chapter 2022
Lie-algebraiczna ocena konfiguracji początkowej nieholonomicznego planowania ruchu = Lie-algebraic selection of an initial configuration in nonholonomic motion planning. W: Postępy robotyki. T. 1 / pod red. Alicji Mazur i Cezarego Zielińskiego. Warszawa : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2022. s. 169-178. ISBN: 978-83-8156-410-6 | Resources:SFX | |
5 | Monograph chapter 2022
Ignacy Dulęba, Odporna kinematyka odwrotna w konfiguracjach osobliwych = Robust inverse kinematics at singular configurations. W: Postępy robotyki. T. 1 / pod red. Alicji Mazur i Cezarego Zielińskiego. Warszawa : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2022. s. 5-10. ISBN: 978-83-8156-410-6 | Resources:SFX | |
6 | Article 2021
Development of task-space nonholonomic motion planning algorithm based on lie-algebraic method. Applied Sciences. 2021, vol. 11, nr 21, art. 10245, s. 1-16. ISSN: 2076-3417 | Resources:DOIURLSFX |     |
7 | Proceeding paper 2020
Evaluation of parameterizations in local Lie-algebraic motion planning. W: Advanced, Contemporary Control : proceedings of KKA 2020 : the 20th Polish Control Conference, Łódź, Poland, 2020 / eds. Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Jacek Kabziński, Janusz Kacprzyk. Cham : Springer, cop. 2020. s. 928-940. ISBN: 978-3-030-50935-4; 978-3-030-50936-1 | Resources:DOIURLSFX | |
8 | Proceeding paper 2020
Ignacy Dulęba, Iwona Karcz-Dulęba, Algorithm to express Lie monomials in Ph. Hall basis and its practical applications. W: Computer aided systems theory - EUROCAST 2019 : 17th international conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 17-22, 2019 : revised selected papers. Pt. I / eds. Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler, Alexis Quesada-Arencibia. Cham : Springer, cop. 2020. s. 465–473. ISBN: 978-3-030-45092-2 | Resources:DOIURLSFX | |
9 | Article 2020
Ignacy Dulęba, Iwona Karcz-Dulęba, A symbolic form, null space bases generation for some matrices of robotics. International Journal of Mechanics and Control. 2020, vol. 21, nr 1, s. 3-11. ISSN: 1590-8844 | Resources:SFX |  |
10 | Proceeding paper 2020
Ignacy Dulęba, Iwona Karcz-Dulęba, On an analytic generation of null space spanners in robotics. W: Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics : Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-DanubeRegion (RAAD 2019) / eds. Karsten Berns, Daniel Görges. Switzerland : Springer, cop. 2020. s. 69-76. ISBN: 978-3-030-19647-9 | Resources:DOISFX | |
All publications