Grzegorz Soboń, DSc, PhD, Eng
Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Field Theory, Electronic Circuits and Optoelectronics
ul. Z. Janiszewskiego 11/17, 50-372 Wrocław
building C-4, room 141
phone +48 71 320 4832
Research fields
- fiber lasers
- optical frequency combs
- nonlinear optics
- ultrafast lasers
Recent papers
- Soboń G., Martynkien T., Tarnowski K., Mergo P., Sotor J., Generation of sub-100 fs pulses tunable from 1700 to 2100 nm from a compact frequency-shifted Er-fiber laser, Photonics Research 5, 151-155 (2017).
- Soboń G., Martynkien T., Mergo P., Rutkowski L., Foltynowicz A., High-power frequency comb source tunable from 2.7 to 4.2 um based on difference frequency generation pumped by an Yb-doped fiber laser, Optics Letters 42, 1748-1751 (2017).
- Soboń G., Duzynska A., Świniarski M., Judek J., Sotor J., Zdrojek M., CNT-based saturable absorbers with scalable modulation depth for Thulium-doped fiber lasers operating at 1.9 um, Scientific Reports 7, 45491 (2017).
- Soboń G., Sotor J., Martynkien T., Abramski K. M., Ultra-broadband dissipative soliton and noise-like pulse generation from a normal dispersion mode-locked Tm-doped all-fiber laser, Optics Express 24, 6156-6161 (2016).
- Soboń G., Sotor J., Pasternak I., Przewloka A., Strupiński W., Abramski K. M., Amplification of noise-like pulses generated from a graphene-based Tm-doped all-fiber laser, Optics Express 24, 20359-20364 (2016).
- Soboń G., Mode-locking of fiber lasers using novel two-dimensional nanomaterials: graphene and topological insulators [Invited], Photonics Research 3, A56-A63 (2015).
- Soboń G., Sotor J., Pasternak I., Krajewska A., Strupinski W., Abramski K. M., Multilayer graphene-based saturable absorbers with scalable modulation depth for mode-locked Er- and Tm-doped fiber lasers, Optical Materials Express 5, 2884-2894 (2015).