Damian Pucicki, DSc, PhD, Eng
E-mail: damian.pucicki@pwr.edu.pl
Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Nanometrology
ul. Długa 61-65, 53-633 Wrocław
building M-11, room 137
phone +48 71 320 4948
Office hours
Research fields
- Epitaxial growth of semiconductor structures, most of all Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy MOVPE and Molecular Beam Epitaxy MBE techniques; optical (spectroscopic) and structural (using high resolution x-ray diffractometry) characterization of epitaxial heterostructures and optoelectronic devices made of multicomponent semiconductor alloys; semiconductor quantum structures - their technology, optimization of their construction, characterization and application of them in optoelectronic devices.
Recent papers
- Pucicki D., Bielak K., Badura M., Dawidowski W., Ściana B. (2016) Influence of GaInNAs/GaAs QWs composition profile on the transitions selection rules, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 161, 13-17.
- Pucicki D., Bielak K., Ściana B., Radziewicz D., Latkowska-Baranowska M., Kováč J., Vincze A., Tłaczała M. (2016) Determination of composition of non-homogeneous GaInNAs layers, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 433, 105-113.
- Pucicki D., Bielak K., Dawidowski W., Ściana B., Tłaczała M. (2016) Role of nitrogen in carrier confinement potential engineering and optical properties of GaAs based QWs heterostructures, Optica Applicata, Vol. 46, No. 2, 255-263.
- Dyksik M., Motyka M., Rudno-Rudziński W., Sęk G., Misiewicz J., Pucicki D., Kosiel K., Sankowska I., Kubacka-Traczyk J., Bugajski M. (2016) Optical properties of active regions in terahertz quantum cascade lasers, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Vol. 37, Iss. 7, 710-719.
- Ściana B., Radziewicz D., Pucicki D., Zborowska-Lindert I., Serafińczuk J., Tłaczała M., Latkowska M., Kováč J., Srnanek R. (2012) MOVPE growth of AIIIBV-N semiconductor compounds for photovoltaic applications, Crystal Research and Technology, Vol. 47, No. 3, 313-320.
- Bisping D., Pucicki D., Fischer M., Koeth J., Zimmermann Ch., Weinmann P., Höfling S., Kamp M., Forchel A., (2009) GaInNAs-Based High-Power and Tapered Laser Diodes for Pumping Applications, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 15, No 3, 968-972.
- Bisping D., Pucicki D., Höfling S., Habermann S., Ewert D., Fischer M., Koeth J., Forchel A. (2008) High-Temperature High-Power Operation of GaInNAs Laser Diodes in the 1220–1240-nm Wavelength Range, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 20, No. 21, 1766-1768.