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Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems

Bogdan Paszkiewicz, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Microsystems

ul. Długa 61-65, 53-633 Wrocław
building M-11, room 136
phone +48 71 320 4947

Bartłomiej Paszkiewicz, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Andrzej Dziedzic,
Study of acoustic emission from the gate of gallium nitride high electron mobility transistors. Electronics. 2024, vol. 13, nr 10, art. 1840, s. 1-12. ISSN: 2079-9292
Resources:DOIURLSFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Bartłomiej Paszkiewicz, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Andrzej Dziedzic,
Influence of external plane stress on electric parameters of AlGaN/GaN HEMT heterostructures. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applications and Materials Science. 2023, vol. 220, nr 18, art. 2100078, s. 1-11. ISSN: 1862-6319; 1862-6300
Resources:DOISFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal List
Bartłomiej Paszkiewicz, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Andrzej Dziedzic,
Fabrication process stochastic model for yield estimation in microwave semiconductor devices production. Journal of Engineering. 2022, vol. 2022, art. 5561059, s. 1-7. ISSN: 2314-4904; 2314-4912
Resources:DOISFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Mateusz Wośko, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Regina Paszkiewicz,
AlGaN/GaN heterostructures electrical performance by altering GaN/sapphire buffers growth pressure and low-temperature GaN interlayers application. Crystal Research and Technology. 2021, vol. 56, nr 12, art. 2100090 s. 1-5. ISSN: 1521-4079; 0232-1300
Resources:DOIURLSFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal List
Mateusz Glinkowski, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Regina Paszkiewicz,
Influence of high electric field on operation of AlGaN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistor. Acta Physica Polonica A. 2021, vol. 140, nr 2, s. 192-196. ISSN: 0587-4246; 1898-794X
Resources:DOIURLSFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Proceeding paper
Mateusz Glinkowski, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Regina Paszkiewicz,
Imperfections in AlGaN/GaN HEMT heterostructures. W: 8th International Conference on Advances in Electronic and Photonic Technologies : proceedings of ADEPT, Nový Smokovec, High Tatras, Slovakia, September 14th-17th, 2020 / [eds. J. Kováč, jr., F. Chymo, M. Feiler, D. Jandura. B.m. : University of Žilina in EDIS-Publishing Centre of UZ, 2020]. s. 86-89. ISBN: 978-80-554-1735-6
Mateusz Glinkowski, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Mateusz Wośko, Regina Paszkiewicz,
The origin and influence of compensatory current in AlGaN/GaN type high electron mobility transistor heterostructures with two conducting channels on the Hall measurements. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applications and Materials Science. 2020, vol. 217, nr 9, art. 1900661, s. 1-6. ISSN: 1862-6319; 1862-6300
Resources:DOISFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal List
Mateusz Wośko, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Andrzej Stafiniak, Joanna Prażmowska-Czajka, Andrej Vincze, Michał Stępniak, Bartosz Kaczmarczyk, Regina Paszkiewicz,
Metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures on chlorine plasma etched GaN templates without buried conductive layer. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2020, vol. 107, art. 104816, s. 1-6. ISSN: 1369-8001
Resources:DOIURLSFXImpact FactorMaster Journal ListMinistry of Science and Higher Education Journal ListOpen Access
Proceeding paper
Regina Paszkiewicz, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Mateusz Wośko, Joanna Prażmowska-Czajka, Andrzej Stafiniak, Wojciech Macherzyński, Adam Szyszka, Sławomir Owczarzak, Bartłomiej Paszkiewicz, Grzegorz Ilgiewicz, Piotr Pokryszka, Mateusz Glinkowski, Agnieszka Zawadzka,
Projekt technologii tranzystora AlGaN/GaN VHEMT. W: XVIII Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki : Darłówko Wschodnie, 02-06.06.2019 / Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. [B.m. : b.w., 2019]. s. 1-5.
Meeting abstract
Mateusz Wośko, Bogdan Paszkiewicz, Andrzej Stafiniak, Joanna Prażmowska-Czajka, Andrej Vincze, Piotr Pokryszka, Regina Paszkiewicz,
Wybrane problemy wieloetapowej i selektywnej epitaksji azotków trzeciej grupy układu okresowego osadzanych metodą MOVPE. W: 13th Conference „Electron Technology” ELTE ; 43rd International Microelectronics and Packaging IMAPS Poland Conference, 4-6 September 2019, Wrocław, Poland : technical digest / Eds. Rafał Walczak, Karol Malecha. [B.m.] : International Microelectronics and Packaging Society Poland Chapter, [2019]. s. 2-1. ISBN: 978-83-932464-3-4

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