Paweł Kozioł, PhD
Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Field Theory, Electronic Circuits and Optoelectronics
ul. Z. Janiszewskiego 7, 50-372 Wrocław,
building C-16, room. P. 0.4.
Research fields
- Laser micromachining of materials, interaction of laser radiation with material, fabrication of waveguide structures, laser processing of transparent materials, methods of micro and nanostructures fabrication.
Recent papers
- Kozioł P. E., Górski P. A., Byndas A., Antończak A. J., Stępak B. D., Abramski K. M., (2016), “Experimental verification of the method for producing three-dimensional cross-pairs metamaterials structure based on a dielectric AlN cube", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49 (6), 065104.
- Antończak A.J., Stępak B., Kozioł P.E., & Abramski K.M. (2014), “The influence of process parameters on the laser-induced coloring of titanium”, Applied Physics A, 115(3), 1003-1013.
- Kozioł P.E., Antończak A.J., Szymczyk P., Stępak B., Abramski K.M., (2013), „Conductive aluminum line formation on aluminum nitride surface by infrared nanosecond laser”, Applied Surface Science 287, 165-171.
- Kozioł P.EGórski., P.A., Antończak A.J., Kabacik P., Abramski K.M., (2013), “Spiral resonator manufactured on AlN ceramics to filter the coupled wave between patch antennas”, Opto-Electronics Review 21 (4), 395-401.
- Antończak A.J., Kocoń D., Nowak M., Kozioł P., Abramski K.M., (2013), “Laser-induced colour marking-Sensitivity scaling for a stainless steel”, Applied Surface Science 264, 229-236.